I agree that #2 could be Ipomoea tiliacea but it could also be other species in series batatas. I do not know every species and I can only share from my experience. I would like to suggest that more attention be placed on the calyx , sepals and developing fruit as the exact characteristics and measurements of these structures are often a much more reliable Key than the flower colors and leaf shapes which are much more variable although still very useful. Is there any possibility of additional views of the 1st and last plant showing any further detail (?) I would have to reserve opining on these unless there were some additional details available.
Thanks for the help! Unfortunately they are the only pictures I had in my file. I have no photos with additional details that tell me. For the next time I will consider. Thanks again Ron .
The flower is photo #1 is interesting to me. The leaves are not visible to me...sometimes the vines can produce very small leaves buried in the undergrowth and makes the ID very challenging...Ipomoea sagittata can do this and although the flowers resemble I.sagittata , it does not look exactly the same at this point... I would be very interested to acquire a few seeds if ever available... Thanks (!)
It could go to the zone where I saw the plant. if it presents/displays seeds. I send a private message to you. thanks again Ron.
La foto más reciente es la planta coincide con el color de la corola de I.orizabensis ... Ojalá pudiera ver a los sépalos y por supuesto, semillas de diferentes especies naturales que crecen y se multiplican son parte de mi sueño ... ¿Tiene algún interés particular o gusto por cualquier Convolvulacea o Ipomoea? Tengo algunas ubicación exacta las coordenadas GPS de las especies que están cerca de la parte superior de mi lista de deseos ... se refiere, PD - Esta es la mejor google va a hacer por mi traducción en Inglés ...
Hi Ron. The Convolvulaceae always caught my attention but I always complicated. They are plants that I spend almost no time but in the same way I like. My mistake was to let me go with the flower color and leaf shape. Ipomoeas will upload pictures of wildlife. I hope you know. I send a greeting. P.D.: No te preocupes por la traducción, con que nos ayudes con el nombre de la especie ya es ganancia! Gracias nuevamente .