Bueno, al menos pudiste carnavalear un ratito jajajajja! Gracias de todas formas, espero que alguien más pueda confirmarme el apellido de mi primera pleurothalis besitos
Buenas noticias amigos! De casualidad, buscando otra orqui enla web, me encontré con ésta, que sí coincide con mi primera Pleurothallys: [FONT="]Trichosalpinx blaisdellii o [/FONT][FONT="]Pleurothallis guatemalensis:[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT] Información: "Trichosalpinx blaisdellii (S.Wats.) Luer Named in honor of F. E. Blaisdell, companion of Sereno Watson, co-discoverer of this species. Subgenus: Trichosalpinx Additional Information: Treated as a species-complex or a super-species, is frequent and morphologically variable throughout Middle America from Mexico to the Darien of Panama from 130 feet (40 m) to 5,900 feet (1,800 m). The two with the longer sepals used to be T. lankesteriana (now a synonym). The one with the more compact sepals came from Coban, Guatemala and looks a lot like the drawing of T. tamayoana (now a synonym) but may have been Pleurothallis guatemalensis (now a synonym). Synonyms: Pleurothallis blaisdellii S.Wats. Pleurothallis guatemalensis Rolfe Pleurothallis peraltensis Ames Pleurothallis standleyi Ames Trichosalpinx tamayoana Soto A. Trichosalpinx lankesteriana Luer" besos para todos