hola que tal estais , acabo de leer un articulo de que algunas semillas necesitan de una estratificacion en caliente , a una temperatura de 22 a 30 grados, ¿ cual sera la mejor manera de hacerlo ? se podria poner como en un acuario con arena y un cable de los que dan calor para que estuviera siempre caliente a una misma temperatura ? ¿ o hay que meterlo en otro lado y/o hacerlo de otra manera ?
Re: estratificacion en caliente Supongo que depende del tipo de semilla irá mejor un tipo de estratificación o otra. La estratificación no es más que una simulación de las condiciones del entorno natural de la semilla para que se "desbloquee" y pueda germinar. Extraido de best carnivorous plants, en referencia a la estratificación en caliente de plantas carnivoras (no sé si esto te ayudará mucho ). Heat stratification is used to germinate species from frequently burned areas, pyrophytic plants, or species from an area where some season is very hot. During this unfavorable season the plants survive in the form of dormant bulbs or roots. Similarly, seeds of these species are adapted to these temperatures. The natural trigger of germination consists of undergoing the hot season followed by a subsequent decline in temperature. This form of stratification is applicable especially for the endemic Australian species of the genus Drosera, Byblis gigantea, and South African caulescent sundews (Drosera). Until now, procedures for enhancing germination based on burning straw on the surface of the wet planting medium on which the seeds have been sprinkled or the pouring of boiling water over the seeds of Byblis gigantea have not been very effective. On the other hand the application of the hormone gibberellin may be recommended and allows very good results in many species requiring heat stratification. Seeds of the Australian tuberous sundews (Drosera) and Byblis gigantea may germinate if they are sown on the planting medium mixed with cold ash. The presence of some substances in the ash likely stimulates the germination of these seeds. There are two interesting methods publishing by an Australian grower, Allen Lowrie. These methods are applicable for most of the Australian and South African species of Drosera. The first method consists of sowing seeds on the moist planting medium and then placing the pots in a smoking chamber or near the smoke from an outdoor frying grate, fireplace, or barbeque for an hour. The second method is based on using so-called "smoke water" that is probably ash or smoke leachate which an Australian firm offers for sale. Seeds are soaked in this solution for 24 hours and then are sown. I do not have detailed information about any of the ingredients of this solution. The Czech grower Mr.Jan Flisek had an interesting experience. He put seeds into a paper bag and attached them to the warm central heating of his apartment for several weeks or months to allow heat stratification. His results have been very encouraging. Seeds of the tuberous and pygmy sundews germinate uniformly while seeds of these species sown without stratification germinate at low frequency.