Identificar polinizador similar a mariquitas, color amarillo claro

Tema en 'Insectos para identificar' comenzado por huertasurbanas, 21/2/13.

  1. [​IMG]

    Están por todos lados en la huerta, son geniales, no le hacen asco a ninguna flor, se encuentran masivamente en las flores de calabaza, acelga, zanahoria, etc.
  2. The pollen load on A. atromaculatus was as high as on Apis mellifera. Cage tests showed that A. atromaculatus can pollinate female cotton plants by transferring pollen from male donor plants. In the field, the flight range of this insect was generally short (25 m), but it can occasionally reach up to 200 m or even more. This study therefore highlights that A. atromaculatus, commonly regarded as a pest, could be an unexpected but efficient pollinator. Because its population density can be high, this species could mediate unwanted cotton pollen flow when distances between coexiting fields are not sufficient.
  3. Isidro

    Isidro Amo la biodiversidad

    Zaragoza - zona 8b
    Se trata de un escarabajo del género Astylus, seguramente Astylus atromaculatus.