Maranta: no le crecen hojas

Tema en 'Maranta' comenzado por (No registrado), 29/9/03.

  1. Me gustaría conocer las causas de por que a mi Maranta no le crecen hojas y si le comienzan a salir se secan antes de abrir. :(
    Muchas Gracias!!!!!! ;)
  2. Salman


    Pues yo diria que falta de riego

    La Maranta necesita empapar bien la tierra cada cierto tiempo, y despues dejarla escurrir bien, que no se encharquen las raices

    Buena luz y que no le de el sol directo
  3. Maranta sin hojas


    El tema es que la riego todos los días, cuando lo hago la escurro para que se le valla el agua, está en un lugar de buena luz sin sol directo y tambien la pulverizo y no hay caso.
    La verdad es que no se que más hacer :cry:
    Muchas gracias por contestarme,

  4. Pachy, Pachy,
    Hola Pachy no se si esta informacion que encontre te pueda servir de algo para solucionar el problema con tu Maranta, pero te la envio por si acaso, a mi me ayudo mucho.
    ..Secrets of Success And Special Problems

    Temperature: Average warmth, sudden fluctuations can harm delicate varieties. Maintain minimum winter temperature of 50 F. for Maranta, 60 F. for Calathea. Light: Partial shade, colours fade in bright light. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Move to a well-lit but sunless spot in winter. Water: Keep compost moist at all times, reduce watering in the winter. Use soft tepid water. Air Humidity: Mist the leaves regularly. Surround the pot with damp peat. Repotting: Repot in spring every two years. Propagation: Divide plants at repotting time. Cover pots with polythene and keep warm until new plants are established. Leaf Tips Brown and Dry, Stunted Growth: The air is too dry. Look for red spider mite and remove dead growth. Mist leaves regularly. Leaves Curled and Spotted, Lower Leaves Yellow: The cause is underwtaering. Compost should be kept moist at all times, unlike many house plants it should not be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings when the plant is actively growing. Leaf Fall: The air is too dry. The plant is particularly sensitive to low air humidity and should be surrounded with damp peat or planted in a bottle garden. Limp, Rotting Stems: The air is too cool and the compost is too wet in winter. Leaves Discoloured or Scorched: The cause is too much light, especially direct sunlight. The plant should be moved immediately, delay could be fatal.