Tabla de resistencia al frío de las palmeras bastante realista

Tema en 'Temperaturas bajas y protección de palmeras del frío' comenzado por jordi, 11/4/08.

  1. jordi


    Vilafranca del Penedès

    Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 9b -1°C -4.8°C ?
    Acrocomia aculeata 'totai' 9a -4°C ? ? We do not yet have any records, which determine just how hardy this is.
    Allagoptera arenaria 9b -1°C -3.1°C Almost certainly hardier than this if planted as an understorey palm in a woodland environment.
    Allagoptera campestris 9a -1.8°C -4.4°C ?
    Archontophoenix alexandrae 9b 0°C -1.4°C Almost certainly hardier than this if planted as an understorey palm in a woodland environment.
    Archontophoenix 'Illawarra' 9b 0°C 3.2°C Almost certainly hardier than this if planted as an understorey palm in a woodland environment. And is no hardier than A. cunninghamiana.
    Archontophoenix cunninghamiana 9b 0°C 3.2°C Almost certainly hardier than this if planted as an understorey palm in a woodland environment.
    Arenga engleri 9a -3.8°C -5.5°C ?
    Arenga micrantha 9a -2°C -5°C ?
    Attalea cohune 9a -2°C -4.8°C ?
    Attalea speciosa 9a -2°C -4°C
    Beccariophoenix madagascariensis 9b -1°C -3°C
    Bismarckia nobilis 9b -1°C -4.5°C ? The more silver the palm, the hardier it is. Almost certainly hardier than this if planted as an understorey palm in a woodland environment.
    Borassus aethiopium 9b 0°C -3.6°C
    Borassus flabellifer 9b 0°C -3.3°C
    Brahea armata 8a ? -10.3°C ?
    Brahea berlandieri 9a -3°C -6°C ?
    Brahea brandegeei 9a -3°C -6°C ?
    Brahea decumbens 8b ? -9.4°C ?
    Brahea dulcis 9a -3°C -4.5°C ?
    Brahea edulis 9a -4.2°C -6.6°C ? May be hardier than this.
    Brahea moorei 8b ? -9.4°C ?
    Brahea nari 8a ? -11.5°C ?
    Brahea nitida 9a -1°C -5°C ?
    Butia bonnettii 7b ? -12.8°C ?
    Butia capitata 8a ? -9.9°C ? May be hardier than this.
    Butia eriospatha 8a ? -9.5°C ? May be hardier than this.
    Butia paraguayensis 9a -3°C -4.5°C ?
    Butia yatay 8b ? -9.5°C ? May be hardier than this.
    Calamus inermis 9b 0°C -3.3°C Needs to be planted as an understorey palm. May be hardier in denser woodland.
    Caryota gigas 9b 0°C -2.2°C
    Caryota maxima 'Himalaya' 9b 0°C -3.3°C Certainly not as hardy as some say.
    Caryota mitis 9b 0°C -2.5°C
    Caryota obtusa 9b 0°C -2.7°C May be hardier than this. Needs to be planted as an understorey palm.
    Caryota ochlandra 9b 0°C -2.7°C May be hardier than this. Needs to be planted as an understorey palm.
    Caryota urens 9b 0°C -2.6°C May be hardier than this. Needs to be planted as an understorey palm.
    Ceroxylon alpinum 9a -3°C -4.5°C ? Difficult to know what it likes.
    Ceroxylon parvifrons 9b -1°C -3°C
    Ceroxylon quindiuense 9b -1°C -3°C May be hardier than this.
    Chamaedorea cataractarum 9b -1°C -3.9°C
    Chamaedorea elegans 9a -2.5°C -4.3°C ?
    Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii 9a -2.5°C -5.6°C ?
    Chamaedorea klotzschiana 9a -2°C -5°C ?
    Chamaedorea metallica 9b 0°C -4°C ?
    Chamaedorea microspadix 8b -4°C -7.4°C ?
    Chamaedorea plumosa 9a -2°C -4.7°C ?
    Chamaedorea radicalis 9a -2°C -6.5°C ?
    Chamaedorea seifrizii 9b 0°C -3.9°C
    Chamaedorea stolonifera 9b 0°C -2.8°C
    Chamaerops humilis 8b ? -8.8°C ?
    Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera' 8b ? -8.8°C ? May be much hardier than this.
    Coccothrinax barbadensis 9b 0°C -2.8°C
    Copernicia alba 9b 0°C -3.6°C
    Corypha lecomtei 9a -3°C -6.7°C ? Going by its provenance it should be hardier than C. umbraculifera.
    Corypha umbraculifera 9a -3°C -6.7°C ? We've also tried C. utan with mixed results. It is certainly not as hardy as this one.
    Dypsis ambositrae 9a ? -5°C ? The palm is too new to know for sure. It may be much hardier than this.
    Dypsis baronii 9a -3°C -5°C ? May be much hardier than this.
    Dypsis crinita 9a -1.5°C -3.5°C Not as hardy as some say.
    Dypsis decipiens 9a -2.5°C -6°C ?
    Dypsis heteromorpha 9a ? -8°C ? This is certainly the hardiest of the Dypsis, but there are 10 or 11 other Dypsis, which grow at a similar altitude that we would like to try.
    Dypsis oropedionis 9a -2.5°C -5°C ? May be hardier than this.
    Elaeis guineensis 10b 0°C 0°C I collected my seed for this trial from what I believe is some of the most northerly planted trees.
    Guihaia argyrata 9a -2°C -5.7°C ?
    Howea forsteriana 9a -1°C -4°C ? Needs to be planted as an understorey palm.
    Hyphaene petersiana 9a -2.6°C -6°C ?
    Juania australis 9a ? -5.6°C ? We've not trialed this yet, but from our research it would be at home on a Cornish sea cliff.
    Jubaea chilensis 8a ? -10.7°C ?
    Latania lontaroides 9a -1°C -4.7°C ? We've also trialed L. loddigessii but with poor results. All 3 Latanias need more research.
    Licuala peltata var. sumawongii 9b -1°C -3.3°C Not as hardy as some say.
    Livistona australis 9a -3°C -5.6°C ?
    Livistona chinensis 8b -3.5°C -6.9°C ?
    Livistona decipiens 9a -3°C -5°C ?
    Livistona saribus 9a -3°C -4.6°C ?
    Lytocaryum hoehnei 9b 0°C -3.9°C May be hardier as an understorey palm.
    Lytocaryum weddellianum 9b 0°C -3.9°C May be hardier as an understorey palm.
    Nannorrhops ritchiana 8b ? -8.9°C ?
    Nannorrhops ritchiana (Silver) 7b ? -13.9°C ?
    Parajubaea cocoides 9b -2°C -2.6°C
    Parajubaea torallyi var. microcarpa 9a -2°C -5.3°C ?
    Parajubaea torallyi var. torallyi 9a -3°C -6.5°C ?
    Phoenix acaulis 8b ? -7.2°C ?
    Phoenix canariensis 9a -5°C -8.5°C -8.5 is really the mark. It has been tried many times in the UK.
    Phoenix dactylifera 9a -5°C -6.5°C ?
    Phoenix dactylifera var. Medjool 9a ? -7°C ? Research being carried out in the states suggests that this may actually be hardier than P. canariensis. it certainly seams to be more tolerant of damp and coastal positions than other P. dactylifera cultivars.
    Phoenix loureiri var. humilis 8b ? -7.2°C ? May be much hardier than this.
    Phoenix hanceana loureiroi var. loureiroi 8b ? -6°C ? May be much hardier than this.
    Phoenix reclinata 9a 0°C -4°C
    Phoenix roebelinii 9b 0°C -3.6°C -3.6 is the best you can achieve. You may loose it at much lower temperatures.
    Phoenix rupicola 9b 0°C -3.5°C May be hardier.
    Phoenix sylvestris 9a -3°C -6°C ? May be much hardier than this.
    Phoenix theophrastii 8b ? -7.2°C ? May be much hardier than this.
    Ravenea glauca 9a -1°C -5°C ?
    Rhapidophyllum hystrix 7b ? -14.9°C ? This is almost certainly the hardiest palm of all, it'll tolerate cold in any situation in Britain. Although, Sabal minor, the other cold hardiest candidate has been recorded at a lower temperature it requires an understorey woodland environment.
    Rhapis excelsa 9a -2°C -6°C ?
    Rhapis humilis 9a -3°C -6°C ?
    Rhapis multifida 9a -3°C -6°C ?
    Rhopalostylis sapida 9b -2°C -3.9°C Not as hardy as you might expect for a New Zealand palm. The South Island Nikau may well be hardier. Requires an understorey environment.
    Sabal domingensis 9a -3°C -5.6°C ?
    Sabal mexicana 8b ? -8.5°C ?
    Sabal minor 7a ? -15.3°C ? One of the hardiest of all palms. Requires an understorey environment.
    Sabal palmetto 8a ? -12.2°C ?
    Sabal uresana 8b -4°C -8°C ? May be hardier than this.
    Serenoa repens 8b -3°C -7.7°C ? The silver form may be hardier than this.
    Syagrus comosa 9a -1°C -5.6°C ?
    Syagrus quinquefaria 9a -1°C -5.6°C ?
    Syagrus romanzoffiana 9b 0°C -3.9°C May be hardier than this, depends on provenance.
    Trachycarpus fortunei 8a ? -11.9°C ?
    Trachycarpus latisectus 9a -3°C -6.6°C ? Not as hardy as some think.
    Trachycarpus martianus var. khasia hills 9a -3°C -5°C ?
    Trachycarpus martianus var. nepal 9a -3°C -6.6°C ?
    Trachycarpus nanus 7b ? -13.9°C ?
    Trachycarpus oreophilus 8a ? -10°C ?
    Trachycarpus princeps 8a ? -11.9°C ?
    Trachycarpus sp. Naga Hills (Manipur) 8a ? -10°C ? Too new to know much yet.
    Trachycarpus takil 7b ? -14.2°C ?
    Trachycarpus wagnerianus 8a ? -10.5°C ?
    Trithrinax acanthocoma 9a -3°C -6.4°C ?
    Trithrinax brasiliensis 9a -2°C -4.4°C ?
    Trithrinax campestris 8a ? -10.5°C ?
    Trithrinax schizophylla 9a -2°C -5°C ?
    Wallichia caryotoides 9b -2°C -2.2°C May be hardier than this.
    Washingtonia filifera 8b -3°C -9°C ?
    Washingtonia robusta 8b -3°C -5.6°C ? Will tolerate cold damp better than W. filifera.
  2. Duathor

    Duathor Mónica

    Mallorca, Balears (z9b/10a)
    Re: Otra tabla de resistencia al frío bastante realista.

    Gracias por el enlace.

    Pero... por ejemplo, de la A. cunninghamiana he leído de todo ya:meparto: . Que aguanta hasta -4, hasta -2...

    De la Chamaedorea seifritzii, hasta -6 leí una vez.

    Supongo que dependerá de la ubicación y demás.

    Un saludo.
  3. jmacia


    Re: Otra tabla de resistencia al frío bastante realista.

    Hola Dhuator, también depende de la máxima alcanzada durante el día, si bajan las temperaturas nocturnas a -3ºc y a las 12 del mediodía han subido a 5 o 6ºc mas o menos, y encima dura varios días......pues eso..:adios:
